• DECEMBER 24, 2013
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    Pelindo III Issues IDR3.5 Trillion Bonds

      SURABAYA— PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III plans to issue international bond worth US$290 million or around IDR3.5 trillion in the first semester of 2014. Financial Director of Pelindo III, Wahyu Suparyono, said the plan has been approved by general meeting of shareholder on Thursday (12/19). The internal team followed it up by inventorying necessary

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    • DECEMBER 24, 2013
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    100 Participants Joined the Maritime Safety Socialization and the Life Jacket Distribution

      Around 100 participants joined the Socialization Activity of Maritime Safety and the Distribution of Life Jacket, Thursday, December 19, 2013. Presented in this event, the Head of the Fisheries and Marine Department of Jepara Regency, Marine Police Kasat, Navy Dan Pos, head of Jepara Sub-district, Lurah Jobokuto, Lurah Kauman, Lurah Bulu and the member

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2013
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    The Chief Executive of IMSCB Observe the Patrol Ship Development in Batam

      The Chief Executive of IMSCB Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto conducted an inspection toward the development of IMSCB’s patrol ship KN.4803 in Batam, Wednesday (18-12-2013). Thus, the chief was accompanied by the vice commandant of Satgas 1 Maritime Colonel U.K Agung, ship watcher, and the Head of Activity Policy Formulation sub-division and the Head of

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2013
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    China Voices ‘Strong Concerns’ Over Japan’s Military Spending

      Beijing. China’s Defense Ministry called Japan’s plans to raise its military spending for the first time in 10 years deeply worrying for Asia and the world, saying on Saturday that it strongly opposes its neighbor’s policy. Japan said earlier this week it will lift military spending by 2.6 percent over five years, buying early-warning

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2013
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    Cruise Ship Man Overboard Dies off Australia

      The Royal Caribbean International cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas was sailing towards Noumea, New Caledonia, when a man was seen falling overboard at about 2am on Saturday. The ship was turned and life rings were deployed, but the man was found dead. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority was involved in the search. The

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2013
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    IMSCB Held the FDG in Palu

      Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board held a Forum Discussion Group (FDG) Maritime Security Regional, which was held on Tuesday December 17, 2013 took place in Edelweiss, Swissbell Hotel Palu, Central Sulawesi Province. Thus, the event was attended by the representatives from DKP Central Sulawesi Province, Marine Police, local fishermen and HNSI. The event started

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    • DECEMBER 20, 2013
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    Oshima ditching Vietnam yard plans

      Hanoi: Reports from local newspaper Dau Tu suggest Japan’s Oshima Shipbuilding has pulled out of long held plans to build a yard in Vietnam. Oshima, renowned for its high quality bulkers, has had plans to build a yard in Khanh Hoa province for many years, but lengthy delays in government approvals are thought to

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