• SEPTEMBER 6, 2013
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    Carnival to Implement Breakthrough Technology to Reduce Air Emissions

      Carnival Corporation & plc, the world’s largest cruise company, announced it has received the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Coast Guard and Transport Canada to implement a significant advancement in environmental technology designed to reduce air emissions from cruise ships and large marine vessels. As part of their announcement,

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    • SEPTEMBER 6, 2013
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    China vs. Philippines: Continued Trouble on Disputed Shoal

    China accused the Philippines on Thursday of deliberately stirring up trouble over a chain of disputed reefs and rocks in the South China Sea, saying Manila was “creating trouble out of nothing” over an intrinsically Chinese territory. Friction over the South China Sea, one of the world’s most important waterways, has surged as China uses

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    • SEPTEMBER 5, 2013
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    Dryad Maritime Intelligence release West Africa Special Advisory Report: The West Africa Problem; Not Mission Impossible

      The UK’s leading maritime intelligence provider, Dryad Maritime have today issued their latest report ‘Special Advisory, The West Africa Problem; Mission Not Impossible’, which focuses on the rapidly evolving nature of maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea. The report provides a detailed insight into the main types of criminal activity in the area

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    • SEPTEMBER 5, 2013
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    Ghana’s navy stops pirate ship and detains crew

      Ghana’s navy detained suspected pirate ship and arrested crew members on suspicion in the hijacking of an oil products tanker off Gabon 30 days ago. It is disturbing that pirate attacks in West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea become more and more frequent destroying the shipping business in the region. According to experts pirate gangs

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    • SEPTEMBER 5, 2013
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    Update: Maersk Ship Fire Is Out

    The fire-fighting teams aboard the Maersk Kampala have succeeded in putting out the fire aboard the container ship. Some smoke continues to come from some of the containers that had fire, but will stop eventually with continued spraying by the tugs and flooding by the fire-fighting teams. Operational planning is now the priority, including port

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    • SEPTEMBER 5, 2013
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    Fishing boat crewmembers called to testify in Philippines

    Manila, Sept. 4 (CNA) Three crewmembers of a Taiwanese fishing boat that was strafed by a Philippine patrol vessel in May have been summoned by prosecutors to give eyewitness testimony in the case, according to the Philippines’ National Bureau of Investigation. Under Philippine law, the three crewmembers — Taiwanese Hung Yu-chih and Hung Chieh-shang and

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    • SEPTEMBER 4, 2013
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    New Indonesian car terminal

    A new car terminal has opened at Sumatra’s largest river port, Boom Baru. Operated by Pelindo II (also known as IPC), the 2 sq km terminal can handle 300 cars a day. “The strong demand for four-wheeled vehicles in Sumatra has prompted IPC to make use of spare land around the port,” the port operator

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