• MAY 2, 2013
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    Hong Kong’s Marine Department Criticized in Fatal Ferry Collision Report

      The official incident report on October’s fatal Hong Kong ferry collision has been released, citing systematic failures in the Marine Department as a main contribution. The report detailed the lack of children’s lifejackets aboard the vessel, as well as the lack of a watertight door on one boat. It also stated that the Marine

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    • MAY 1, 2013
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    Wintermar to add to fleet as offshore Indonesia grows

      Jakarta: Offshore marine services company PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk expects to raise capital expenditure plans as demand for higher value offshore support vessels grows in Indonesia. Wintermar reported a net profit for the first quarter of 2013 of $5.8m with 45% revenue growth as compared to 2012. The rise was attributed to a

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    • MAY 1, 2013
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    EU Naval Force Protects World Food Programme Shipments At Sea

      Protecting World Food Programme (WFP) shipments to Somalia is a core task for EU Naval Force Somalia; ensuring the safe transportation of humanitarian aid to the Somali people.  In 2013, WFP aims to bring humanitarian assistance to an estimated population of 1.56 million in Somalia. Since the beginning of Operation Atalanta in 2008, EU

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    • MAY 1, 2013
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    Bodies of 2 Crewmen Found After 4 Months

      Two partially decomposed bodies of North Korean mariners have been discovered in separate locations in Japan. Their cargo ship TAEGAKBONG went missing in late December. Reported engine failure sent the ship adrift after its steering controls and navigation systems were disabled. The first body was found on Saturday in Itoigawa, Niigata Prefecture. The Japan

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    • MAY 1, 2013
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    Six Seamen Released from Pirate Captivity in Somalia

      After more than 2 years of captivity, the six seamen, who were kidnapped by Somali pirates in connection with the seizure of the Danish coaster M/V Leopard in January 2011, have been released and lead to safety. The two Danish and the four Philippine seamen have very recently been released off the Somali coast

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