• APRIL 25, 2013
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    IUMI Supports Effort to Establish “Arctic Marine Best Practice Declaration”

      The International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) has backed efforts to create a declaration of best practice for marine and energy operations in the Arctic. The declaration has been drawn up by a group of marine and energy experts in the Arctic region to create a voluntary set of standards. It will not be

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    • APRIL 25, 2013
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    Cyber Vulnerabilities Found in U.S. Navy’s Newest Warship

      The computer network on the U.S. Navy’s newest class of coastal warships showed vulnerabilities in Navy cybersecurity tests, but the issues were not severe enough to prevent an eight-month deployment to Singapore, a Navy official said on Tuesday. A Navy team of computer hacking experts found some deficiencies when assigned to try to penetrate

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    • APRIL 25, 2013
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    The Shipping Shogun Joins Global Armed Counter-Piracy Efforts

      The recent decision by the Japanese Diet to go forward and permit the use of armed guards on Japanese flag vessels is one that carefully melds historical lessons learned and vivid concerns for today’s risks and opportunities, with a profound understanding of what maritime challenges are likely to be key in the future. As

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    • APRIL 24, 2013
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    Death toll from boat accident in Mahakam River increases to 20

      Samarinda, E Kalimantan (ANTARA News) – The death toll from a boat accident in Mahakam River in East Kalimantan province rose to 20 after one more body was found early Tuesday. The body was found about 6 km from the scene at around 02.10 a.m. local time, head of the Samarinda port police Comr.

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    • APRIL 24, 2013
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    Meeting of counter-piracy task forces

      Commanders of international counter-piracy task forces, NATO Operation Ocean Shield, EU Naval Force – Operation Atalanta and Combined Maritime Force had a meeting on board of NATO flagship – ITS San Marco. The idea for this meeting is to exchange experience and to coordinate efforts against pirates. There was a discussion about current situation

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    • APRIL 24, 2013
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    Catamaran Ferry Delivered to Coastal Fast Ferries

      Incat Crowther launched Kilimanjaro IV, a 45-meter passenger ferry for the African Operator Coastal Fast Ferries. The vessel capitalizes on the rapid growth in the operator’s passenger numbers, bringing the Coastal Fast Ferries’ fleet to seven Incat Crowther-designed vessels. A process of close cooperation between the builder, Richardson Devine Marine, operator and designer resulted

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    • APRIL 24, 2013
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    A Chill on Environmental Protection as Arctic Shipping Heats Up

      After a year’s delay, the United Nations body tasked with developing polar shipping regulations has recommended provisions to address the environmental impacts of Arctic shipping – but they don’t go far enough, says conservation organization WWF. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) met last week to shape the Polar Code, a legally binding set of

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