• JANUARY 10, 2013
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    US Lawmakers Warning of Dirty Bomb Threat to US Ports

      GateKeeper USA Inc. (OTC Symbol: GTKP) announced that in a recent Bloomberg article, it was reported by Jeff Bliss that the US Backs Off All Cargo Scanning Goals. As reported by CBP (Customs & Boarder Protection), officials’ port X-ray and Gamma-ray machines were only able to facilitate scanning 4.1% of the millions of containers that

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    • JANUARY 10, 2013
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    Argentina Anticipates Arrested Ship’s Homecoming

      This afternoon, Argentine frigate ARA Libertad will arrive at the Naval Base Mar del Plata, located in the city’s port, where it will be received by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The training ship returns to Argentina after 21 days at sea, after the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea ordered its

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    • JANUARY 10, 2013
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    Pirates free Italian sailors kidnapped off Nigeria

      The Italian foreign ministry has said that Nigerian pirates have freed three Italian sailors they abducted from the MV Asso Ventuno last month. Pirates free Italian sailors kidnapped off Nigeria Pirates have freed three Italian sailors they abducted from a ship off Nigeria last month, the foreign ministry said in a statement Wednesday. “Our three sailors are

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    • JANUARY 10, 2013
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    Updating existing ships

      A ship is typically built for a 20-25 year lifespan and such is the pace of technical development in the marine industry that she is likely to become technically redundant quite early in her life. This has become even more of an issue in recent years, with substantial breakthroughs being made in fuel efficiency

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    • JANUARY 10, 2013
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    NATO Shipping Centre: Weekly Piracy Update: Reporting period: 2 Jan – 9 Jan 2013

      Alert 001/13: At 1130Z (UTC) on 05 Jan 2013 a merchant vessel reported an attack by pirates/1 skiff at position 0300N 05152E. The skiff had a white hull, 6 POB, fired small arms and RPG. This vessel managed to evade hijack. On 06 Jan 2013, the Pirate Activity Group (PAG) responsible for this attack

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    • JANUARY 9, 2013
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    Costa Concordia tops 2012 increase in ship losses, but long-term downward trend continues

      Twelve months on from the Costa Concordia incident, a new Allianz report identifies that 106 ship losses were reported worldwide in the 12 months to November 25 2012 – up from 91 ships the previous year but a 27 percent decrease on the ten year average of 146 ships per annum. Despite this long term

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    • JANUARY 9, 2013
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    Single Hull Vs Double Hull Tankers

      Double hull, as the name suggests, are tanker ship hulls with double layers of watertight hull surface. The inner and outer layers of the hull are on the bottom as well as the sides of the tanker ships. The double layer construction helps in reducing the risks of marine pollution during collision, grounding, and any

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