• JANUARY 28, 2013
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    Globe Wireless Satellite Communications Conference

      Globe Wireless announced  the first of a series of Globe Wireless Satellite Communication Conferences to be held this year. The first will be in Hareid Norway, March 5 & 6, 2013.  Dave Kagan, President & CEO of Globe Wireless, will provide opening remarks and will be joined at the event by representatives from Inmarsat,

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    • JANUARY 28, 2013
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    Iran to Launch First Domestically Built Oil Tanker

      Iran has plans to launch the country’s first domestically manufactured oil tanker in February. The ship – measuring 186 meters long, 32 meters wide, and 16 meters high – can handle a capacity of 35,000 tons of oil products. The Tehran Times reports that the vessel has also been valued at US$29 million. The

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    • JANUARY 28, 2013
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    EU NAVFOR Transfers 12 Suspect Pirates to Mauritius for Prosecution After Attack on Merchant Ship off Somalia

      Following an attack in early January on a merchant vessel 260 miles off the Somali Coast, twelve men suspected of committing an act of piracy, were today transferred by EU Naval Force warship FS Surcouf to the Mauritian authorities for prosecution. When the attack happened on 5th January, the master of the merchant vessel

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    • JANUARY 25, 2013
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    Fishing vessel collides with tanker off Sangley Point

      Navy ship saved 21 fishermen near Sangley Point in Cavite after the fishing vessel “Lala Boom” collided with a tanker information from the Philippine Coast Guard. The incident occurred 5 nautical miles off South Harbor in Manila. The navy ship MPAC BA485 was patrolling along Manila Bay and detected the crew members from the

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    • JANUARY 25, 2013
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    De Ruyter Sets Sail For Counterpiracy Mission

      The frigate HNLMS De Ruyter left her home port of Den Helder today for counterpiracy operations in the waters around Somalia. For this mission, the EU’s Operation Atalanta, the ship is carrying the new NH-90 helicopter, which will see its first operational deployment. The air defence and command frigate has extensive command & control,

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    • JANUARY 25, 2013
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    World’s largest quay cranes set sail for London Gateway

      Towering at a height of 138 metres, taller than the London Eye, London Gateway’s colossal quay cranes are on their way to the UK’s new deep-water container port, the statement of London Gateway reads. The first three of the port’s giant quay cranes, manufactured by Shanghai’s Zhenhua Port Machinery Company (ZPMC), have started their

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    • JANUARY 25, 2013
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    GE Upgrades Royal Fleet Auxiliary’s Fleet Tankers

      Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ships WAVE KNIGHT and WAVE RULER Receive New Integrated Platform Management Systems GE’s Power Conversion (NYSE: GE) business has started fitting the latest generation of Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) to the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) ships Wave Knight and Wave Ruler. The technology is designed extend the life and versatility

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