• NOVEMBER 8, 2012
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    Somali Pirate Attacks Low, Elsewhere Increasing

      Global pirate activity jumped 52% compared to September, driven by increased attacks in the Gulf of Guinea, & off Indonesia. Somali piracy remained low, with three attacks reported. Notably, a pirate group opened fire on naval warship. Attacks increased in West African waters where two tankers were hijacked, and seven crew members were kidnapped

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    • NOVEMBER 8, 2012
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    Ports Risk $4 Trillion Indonesia Bounty Luring Unilever

      A road winds through plantations from the site of Unilever (UNA)’s planned $150 million factory to the coast in western Indonesia – ending at a port too small to load the chemicals the company seeks to ship from the remote region. “We’re committed to the investment,” said Sancoyo Antarikso, a Jakarta-based director of the

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    • NOVEMBER 8, 2012
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    10 Vessels Lost During Wartime

      Wars bring enormous casualties in their wake. But while many of such casualties are treated as a consequence of the wartime catastrophe, the loss to innocent lives and property caused during wartimes is regarded as one of the biggest setback to the quality of humaneness and compassion. History bears evidences of many such fatalities

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    • NOVEMBER 8, 2012
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    EUNAVFOR Warns Recreational Boaters “Piracy Still a Clear and Present Danger” in High-risk Areas

      Rear Admiral Potts, who is the operation commander of the European Union’s counter piracy mission (EU NAVFOR) off the coast of Somalia, reminded the yachting and leisure craft community that whilst pirate attacks have reduced off the Horn of Africa over the past year, the threat of piracy remains and owners should continue to avoid

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    • NOVEMBER 7, 2012
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    CBP Maritime Operations Resume in Port of NY/NJ

      CBP Processes First Cargo Containers since Hurricane Sandy New York — U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s maritime mission is now back on-line with today’s processing of cargo vessels and containers. “In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy the people of New York and New Jersey have faced great adversity, the men and women of CBP

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    • NOVEMBER 7, 2012
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    Pelni modifies passenger ships to survive rough business

      As more passengers opt for air transportation, state owned shipping company, PT Pelni plans to modify more ships next year so they can carry passengers and containers to help boost business. President director Jussabella Sahea said the firm would modify three ships: Sinabung, Lawit and Tatamailau in 2013. “Modifying ships is the best solution

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    • NOVEMBER 7, 2012
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    New Pumps Save Millions At Sea

      Grundfos-pumps and technology reduces the energy-consumption strikingly on the vessel Durban Bulker, which sails for Lauritzen Bulkers. In the future, several ships can look forward to reducing their energy-consumption. This is part of the learning drawn from a pilot-project between the shipping line Lauritzen Bulkers and Grundfos. The project was carried out on the

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