Waste and Sanitation Processing Expedited

JAKARTA – The government will expedite the construction process of proper waste and sanitation processing system in Jakarta to support giant sea wall (GSW) or national capital integrated coastal development (NCICD) project.

Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) Ministry Director General of Construction, Imam S. Ernawi, said the government plans to expedite the construction process of basic infrastructure in form of waste and sanitation processing in Jakarta through the construction of Jakarta Sewage Treatment (JST).

“To support NCICD project, we are preparing proper waste and sanitation processing system so the GSW will not be a giant sewer,” he told Bisnis on Monday (2/2).

According to him, the project should be conducted in early this year. However, until now, the project has not been conducted since it is still waiting for detail engineering design (DED), feasibility study, and environmental impact analysis (amdal) conducted by Japanese consultant namely Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

He said based on the initial study, JICA stated JST construction process takes 50 years.

To expedite the construction process, Construction Directorate General has asked JICA to conduct study so the project construction process can be completed within 35 years.

“Since the time will be expedited, it needs re-study to review the impacts of the expedited construction,” he said.

Completed in 2050

The project predicted to cost IDR 70 trillion budget will be completed in 2050. The project will be initiated with 800-meter main pipe construction to distribute waste water from Zone I to waste water treatment plant (WWTP) having averagely 198,000 cubic-meter capacity a day which will be placed next to Pluit Reservoir.

Zone I scope covers the districts of Gambir, Sawah Besar, Senen, Menteng, Tanah Abang, Matraman, Grogol, Petamburan, Taman Sari, Tambora, and Penjaringan with 48 sub-districts in total. To complete the Zone I pipes, it needs IDR 6.7 trillion budget.

Jakarta will also be divided into 15 waste water processing zones comprising 14 planned zones constructed and added with the existing waste water processing in Setiabudi called zero zone.

In the early construction phase, the pipe networks connected to the main pipe will be conducted in zone I and zone 6. Both zones are chosen since they are economically the most proper zones. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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