Vietnam Passes ‘Law of the Sea’ – China Objects


China opposes Vietnamese maritime law over its sovereignty claims to South China Sea islands

Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun summoned Vietnamese Ambassador to China Nguyen Van Tho recently to lodge a solemn representation to the Vietnamese side concerning the recent passing of a Vietnamese maritime law that extends the country’s jurisdiction to islands claimed by China.

The Vietnam National Assembly on Thursday passed the “Vietnamese Law of the Sea,” which describes China’s Xisha Islands and Nansha Islands in the South China Sea as being within Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction.

Reaffirming that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Xisha Islands, Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters, Zhang said the law infringes upon China’s sovereignty.

“China strongly protests and firmly opposes such a move by Vietnam,” he said.

Xinhua continues: Vietnam’s unilateral action has complicated and escalated the problem and violated the consensus reached by both leaders, as well as the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), said Zhang.


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