US Will Assist Illegal Fishing Eradication in Indonesia

JAKARTA, Kompas – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry gets more serious in eradicating illegal fishing. It was proven on the cooperation between KP Ministry with US government.

US Ambassador for Indonesia, Robert O Blake, in an event themed ‘Indonesia-America Partnership for Marine and Fisheries Vocational Education’, on Tuesday (1/20) in Jakarta said his office will give USD 33 million to assist Indonesian maritime program especially illegal fishing eradication surveillance.

Prior to that, US government has also disbursed USD 35 million for Indonesian maritime program. Therefore, the total aid budget is USD 68 million.

“Our government is really aware with sea conservation. Indonesia is one of the countries overflowing with fishes. We support the conservation for yellow-fin tuna whose 40 percent of population lives in Indonesian waters,” Robert said.

Not only that, US government is also ready to support Indonesia in terms of coral reef conservation.

Robert added US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will be placed in Indonesia for a week to assist KP Ministry to provide new satellite which can detect fishing vessels’ lights. The satellite is expected to assist foreign fishing vessels at night.

“Our cooperation with Indonesia is also conducted in vocational education for Indonesian students in fishery high school. Three US universities namely University of Rhode Island, University of Mississipi, and University of Oregon are ready to cooperate,” Rober said.

KP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, stated the cooperation with US is important for Indonesia to prepare competent human resources in maritime sector. This is important to face global market.

Lobster Fishing

In similar occasion, Susi responded wisely fishermen’s protests over KP Minister Regulation No. 1/2015 about Lobster, Crab, and Water Crab Fishing.

The regulation only allows the fishing of lobster with over 8-centimeter carapace length, crab with over 15-centimeter carapace width, and water crab with over 10-centimeter carapace width.

“If you want to blame me who wants to build better future for Indonesia, go ahead. It’s alright for me to be demoted. However, I will keep holding this mandate for Indonesia’s future based on the regulation,” Susi said.

According to her, the socialization of restricted size of lobster, crab, and water crab for export has been conducted to protect small fishermen. The regulation has good purpose since the amount of three species has decreased.

“Does Indonesia want to be like Thailand and Philippines running out of their marine product and stealing from Indonesia? Of course not, right?” Susi said.


KP Ministry’s Marketing and Processing Director General, Saut Hutagalung, said in 2012, crab and water crab export volume was 28,200 tons valuing USD 329.7 million.

In 2013, the volume increases to 34,170 tons valuing USD 359.3 million. In 2014, export volume downed to 28,090 tons valuing USD 414 million. (Kompas)

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