Two Ports Will Be Constructed By the End of 2014

JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo’s government starts to move to realize the dream to develop sea highway project by developing ports as well as procuring passenger and commodity vessel claimed to be able to lower economic disparity between western and eastern Indonesia.

According to the plan, by the end of this year, Joko starts to construct and develop the ports which will serve sea highway. In the initial stage, by the end of this year, the two ports which will be developed are Makassar New Port in South Sulawesi and Tanjung Perak Port in East Java.

The government intends to build new berths at both ports. “We are processing the preparation and permit so everything can be initiated by the end of this year,” Maritime Coordinating Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, said on Thursday (11/20).

The government plans to develop both ports with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo). Pelindo will implement business concept and seek its financing.

PT Pelindo III Spokesman, Edi Priyanto, said it costs IDR 3.4 trillion to develop 1st phase of Tanjung Perak Port located at Teluk Lamong Terminal. Overall, Tanjung Perak Port development comprises three phases.

So far, 1st phase development budget will be gained from Pelindo III’s budget comprising 40% internal budget and 60% loan budget. “60% loan budget of the total project budget comes from global bond issuance,” he explained.

Teluk Lamong Terminal will be developed by some national big contractors namely Adhi Karya, Nindya Karya, Pembangunan Perumahan, and Wijaya Karya. (Kontan)

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