Traditional Fishermen Detain Foreign Vessel in Indonesian Water

Belitung, Kompas – Traditional fishermen in Tanjung Balai, Asahan, North Sumatra detained a Malaysian fishing vessel having 70-GT capacity in Malacca Strait. When it was detained, the allegedly illegal fishing vessel was capturing fishes.

Tanjung Balai Indonesian Traditional Fisherman Association (KNTI) Secretary, Dahli Sirait, said on Tuesday (12/30) that the foreign vessel was detained by the crews of Nelayan Jaya vessel having 7-GT capacity on Monday at 1 p.m.

The foreign vessel has four crews from Myanmar. The vessel using trawl net was detained by fishermen. After that, the vessel was driven to Indonesian Navy Base in Tanjung Balai.

Zulkifli Nasution, Nelayan Jaya skipper, said he suspected the foreign vessel since it has different physical form with local vessels, for example the different form of hull.

Nelayan Jaya detained the foreign vessel by approaching the vessel to ask for fishes.

However, when he knew the vessel only had four crews, Zulkifli instructed six Nelayan Jaya crews to get on the vessel and to surround the foreign vessel’s crews.

The communication device of the vessel was also damaged so the vessel’s crews capturing fishes did not contact vessel owner.

“We threatened all foreign vessel’s crews with wooden weapon. However, they almost gave no attack. Then, we drove the vessel to Indonesian Navy Base,” Zulkifli told Kompas.

Often Occurring

In Malacca Strait, illegal fishing still often occurs. Even, the activity is conducted openly. Zulkifli expected the illegal fishing players obtain great punishment. Moreover, illegal vessels should also be sunk based on the government’s regulation.

Dahli said the illegal fishing vessel arrestment by fishermen is the first occurrence. The arrestment was conducted since they spotted illegal fishing practice.

“Local fishermen can secure the country’s sovereignty,” he said.

Dahli expected all fishery investigators can actively contribute and do patrol more effectively. Even, if necessary, the patrol is conducted in undercover so it can reveal more illegal fishing cases by foreign vessels and violations by domestic vessels.

Dahli also expected the criminal case should not only hit the skipper of illegal fishing vessels. “But also, the vessel owners to make them surrender,” he said.

President Joko Widodo has instructed illegal fishing vessel sinking entering Indonesian waters and stealing Indonesia’s fishes. Every year, illegal fishing practice inflicts IDR 300 trillion loss to the country.

The president stated he has not been satisfied yet with illegal fishing prevention program in Indonesian waters. The action taken to illegal fishing players is still lower than the occurring fishery cases. The foreign vessels entering Indonesia is around 5,000-7,000 vessels (Kompas, 12/18). (Kompas, December 31st 2014)

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