Trada Maritime Allocates US$200 Million For Ship Purchase


JAKARTA: PT Trada Maritime Tbk will allocate US$200 million capital expenditure in the next five year for purchasing 30-50 tugboats and barges.

The Company’s President Director Danny Sihanouk de Mita said the purchase is intended to meet the company’s plan to increase the transshipment contract in 2013 as much as US$750 million.

Trada Maritime now owns 33 ships with various types including 10 tugboats-barges and the rest are FSO, tankers and LNG carriers.

“We expect it to arrive 10 sets each year. Three sets might arrive early this year because we already have the contract and it is expected to start operating immediately,” he said, Friday (12/21/2012).

The Company is currently in talk with several banks to obtain loan for capital expenditure.

Up to the third quarter of 2012, Trada Maritime’s net profit fell by IDR40 billion from IDR94.6 billion in the same period last year. The revenue rose to IDR431.36 billion from IDR408.29 billion.

However, Danny was reluctant to mention the target of performance for the end of the year. “We should achieve our target in terms of turnover. Clearly, there is LNG this year and it is likely to have a significant contribution to the revenue,” he added






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