The Triple-E Series – Opening The Doors to The World of Shipping


A couple of months later, on 23-29 September, the second vessel in the Triple-E series which is to count a total of 20 ships, will be coming to Copenhagen.

To celebrate this event, Maersk will offer the public a view of the large, new, and innovative container ship and at the same time opens the doors to the world of shipping with a multi-media exhibition located next to the ship.

All visitors will be invited into an interactive landscape illustrating how goods are brought to us from all corners of the world, how the cutting-edge technology of the Triple-E takes the environmental benefits to a new level and what it feels like to be the captain of the largest container ship the world has ever seen. In short, the planned exhibition demonstrates how Maersk Line is bringing you the world. Read more about the event here.

Further information will be shared via this site ( as the event date gets closer, including details about the location, activities and possibilities for boarding the ship.

“We are very excited to open our doors and show the Triple-E vessel,it is a great opportunity for us to interact with our stakeholders and share our passion about facilitating trade,” says Maersk Line CEO, Søren Skou.

What is the Triple-E?

The Triple-E is a unique class of container shipping vessels currently being built at the DSME shipyard in Okpo, South Korea, and will be delivered to Maersk Line over the next two years.

The “E” in the class name refers to the most important design characteristics of these ships: Economy of scale, Energy efficiency and Environmentally improved performance.

The 20 Triple-E vessels will operate in a loop on the world’s busiest trade lane, carrying cargo between eight ports in Asia and six in Europe. They will be gradually phased in to this route over the next two years, replacing smaller and less efficient vessels.







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