The Gov’t To Cut Off Dwelling Time In Tanjung Priok


JAKARTA—The Government is targeting to cut off dwelling time in Tanjung Priok port from 6.7 days to 4 days this year in order to increase competitiveness and to cut logistics costs in the country.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said Tanjung Priok is a strategic entrance to accommodate most of the export-import activities.

According to the Government data, export volume in the Tanjung Priok Port reached 22.6% in 2012, while import volume was 60.6%.

“Dwelling time should be slashed from the range of 4.7 days – 6.7 days at this time, in order to have time and cost efficiency, and improve the competitiveness,” Hatta says in a press conference in Tanjung Priok Seaport, Monday (1/21).

The Government said that it concerned on the increasing trend of dwelling time in Tanjung Priok in the recent years.

In October 2010, the dwelling time was recorded at 4.88 days, then increase in August 2011 to 5.75 days. In June 2012, the dwelling process in Tanjung Priok seaport consumed a lot of time, which was around 6.38 days.

The cut off in the dwelling time, he adds, is an absolute must in order to make the Tanjung Priok port to be an international standard seaport.

Hatta explains how to reduce the dwelling time is by applying the auto gate system, integrated cargo release system, and to ensure availability and adequacy in temporary shelter (TPS) and a integrated physical examination (TPFT).

“For the sake of importers’ favor, we expect dwelling time to be shorter than 4 days, and then we will cut to 3 days. In April, we will evaluate again,” he says.

Afterward, the Tanjung Priok seaport will be revitalized so that there are only three official institutions in the port, the Customs and Duty, Quarantine and Immigration Institution.

“We hope the Directorate General of Customs and Excise could be in synergy with the Indonesia Agricultural Quarantine Agency so that the services would be faster, cheap, and accurate,” Hatta continues.

On the other hand, the Government will also eliminates the levy on manifest and post-manifest since it’s considered hampering the import process in port and slowing down the dwelling time process.

In order to reduce dwelling time in port, Finance Minister Agus D.W. Martowardojo stated that the Government will revise the Government Regulation No.4/2003 concerning the tariff on type of Government non-tax revenues (PNBP) imposed by the Finance Ministry.

“The PNBP on manifest and post-manifest will be eliminated, in which it is expected it would be smoother and faster,” Agus said.

Port Currency

In addition, the Government will also set Rupiah (IDR) to become the sole currency for port transaction since current port transaction and cost standard is still partly using the US dollar.

According to the Deputy Minister of National Development Planning Agency Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo, the Government will conduct a streamlining on the area of port tariff rate in Tanjung Priok. “Currently, there are various tariff rates in the port, we hope this can be streamlined,” he adds.

The tariff rates, among others, are tariff for mooring, anchoring, docking, towing, equipments, and water as stipulated by the Board of Directors Pelindo III and tariff for loading containers set by PT TPS Board of Directors.

There are also other tariff rates established without guidance, such as longshoreman wages (TKBP), container depot services rate in East Java, as well as tariff for goods and containers transport from and to the Port.

The Director General of Customs and Excise with the Ministry of Finance Agung Kuswandono says there are 21 different entities in the Indonesia’s largest port. As the result, it becomes difficult to speed up the service since the condition is almost the same as serving 21 ports all at once.

For that, there must be an adequate integration into one special location for integrated physical examination in order to optimize the service.

On the other hand, the Pelindo II CEO RJ Lino describes the sterilization of Tanjung Priok, up to the second line port will enlarge the port area though may require substantial fund. (dpr/aph)





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