Tenau Port Productivity Skyrockets for 127%

SURABAYA – Offshore logistic base terminal operation in Tenau Port, Kupang to support gas pipe project to Darwin, Australia has increased cargo stevedoring activity along 2014 for 127% or over 1 million tons per cubic meter.

Tenau Chapter-PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III General Manager, Deny Lambert Wuwungan, said commodity volume hike refers to stevedoring activity in Tenau Port in 2013 of 448,000 tons per cubic meter.

Since the opening of offshore logistic base terminal, according to him, offshore activity from Saipem maritime in Darwin waters keeps increasing.

“Since August last year, Saipem Maritimo has started to install gas pipes from rigging center to Darwin. They have chosen Tenau Port as an instrument distribution hub,” he said in his written statement Bisnis received on Saturday (1/31).

According to him, Pelindo III tracks the increasing activity record in Tenau Port to 2-4 mother vessels per month.

The vessels bring thousand tons of pipes from Kwantan, Malaysia to the port in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Upon their arrival at Tenau Port, he explained, the pipes are transferred to smaller vessels to be brought to pipe installation location in Darwin. “We monitor at least 15 vessels conducting such activity last year,” he explained.

Pelindo III disbursed its budget to construct offshore logistic base terminal for IDR 118 billion to construct berth with 110 meters and container yard on it.

He continued his office cooperates with Saipem Maritimo to make the terminal as a restricted area.

The terminal has also obtained international security certificate for vessel and port facility (ISPS Code).

Moreover, work security standard around the terminal is also tightened. “Every person in the area is required to use self-protection gears and before entering the terminal, they must undergo alcohol test,” he said.

Meanwhile, Tenau Chapter-Pelindo III Operational and Commersial Manager, Iman Santoso Maruto, added countless Saipem Maritimo vessels affect vessel tugging and pilot activity hike.

“The waters in Tenau Port are pilot-required waters. Therefore, every vessel entering here must use vessel pilot service. Meanwhile, tugging service is often used by Saipem Maritimo’s mother vessels.”

Behavioral Changes

In line with high cargo stevedoring activity, he explained, container traffic activity in Tenau Port also increases due to behavioral changes of commodity shipping from cargo to container.

Along last year, container traffic in Tenau Port exceeded 88,895 TEUs or a 12-percent hike from last year since container transportation gets more favorable as it is safer and has bigger capacity.

Moreover, stevedoring productivity in eastern Indonesia also gets better. Currently, Tenau Port has been facilitated with 1 container crane (CC) and 2 rubber-tyred gantries (RTG).

Consequently, stevedoring productivity which previously could be completed within three days for a vessel, currently, a vessel can be completed within a day.

It stimulates commodity owners to use container as their shipping facilities.

“Shipping lines also compete to prepare container vessels with bigger capacity. Even, there is a shipping line directly purchasing new vessel to use container business opportunity here,” he added.

Pelindo III plans to add another CC in the second half of this year. “Therefore, in early 2016, container vessels can be served by two CCs with more loads.” (Bisnis Indonesia)

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