Susi Asks for Legal Umbrella to Eradicate IUU Fishing

JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, asked for legal umbrealla as the base to eradicate illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) Fishing. The legal umbrella is in form of presidential instruction (Inpres) as occurred in US which finally can successfully eradicate the illegal practice.

Susi said US government under the leadership of President Barrack Obama has issued legal umbrella equal with Inpres level to eradicate IUU Fishing. With the Inpres, IUU Fishing eradication can be conducted sustainably and continuously.

“We want Inpres about IUU Fishing Eradication Acceleration so we have security over maritime resources and Indonesia can be sovereign above the sea. To make security protection higher, better, and tougher in terms of law enforcement, we expect the president to solve it immediately,” she said during 2014 Maritime and Fishery Development Reflection and 2015 Outlook in Jakarta on Monday (1/5).

Susi claimed actually KKP’s efforts in eradicating IUU Fishing has shown positive result. It has been felt by most of people especially by fishermen either directly or indirectly. Currently, the number of captured fishes in several areas increases so in the future, it is expected to improve fishermen’s revenue and welfare. “With good result, KKP will be consistent in eradicating IUU Fishing,” he said.

KKP’s strategic policies in eradicating IUU Fishing are to implement captured fishery permit moratorium in Indonesian Fishery Management Area through KP Minister Regulation No. 56/Permen-KP /2014. Moreover, there are also transshipment prohibition through KP Minister Regulation No. 57/Pemen-KP/2014, state civil officer discipline improvement in KKP environment related to moratorium policy implementation, transshipment prohibition as well as foreign skipper and vessel crew usage through KP Minister Regulation No. 58/Permen-KP/2014. “We also boost data and information transparency, make task forces and working groups, improve cooperation among law enforcer institutions, as well as strengthen and develop fishery court,” Susi said.

Susi said even though she has not served for 100 days, all policies and strategic efforts she conducts has brought positive impact for the country’s independence and sovereignty. It is shown by imported fishing vessel (KII) and foreign fishing vessel (KIA) drop in Indonesian Fishery Area based on the surveillance of vessel monitoring agency (VMS), INDESO, and AIS. After that, it was also shown by IUU Fishing surveillance operation result hike in which KKP has detained six out of 39 fishing vessels along 2014, including the sinking of three foreign illegal fishing vessels and the settlement of human vessel from Philippines and Malaysia. “Several countries have given positive responses to cooperate with the government in dealing with illegal fishing practice in Indonesian waters,” Susi said.

Overseen for 360 Days

In the occasion, Susi said, this year KKP will continue IUU Fishing eradication by increasing the amount of patrol day and operated patrol vessel. The consequence of the policy is the need over budget hike. “The country’s sovereignty is priceless.   We have never limited budget. It does not mean we let IUU Fishing occur if we run out of budget,” Susi said.

KP Ministry’s Maritime and Fishery Resources Surveillance Director General, Asep Burhanudin, said this year, according to State Budget, the budget for 116-day patrol has been allocated. However, until now, it is still being added. This condition is very different than last year’s budget which was for 66-day patrol. “In 2014, KP Ministry obtains fuel subsidy for 66 days and currently, it will be for 116 days. However, it will still be added into 210 days. It is enough,” he said.

Asep said Susi intends to increase the number for 100% into 360-day maritime patrol. However, it cannot be realized since vessel crews or vessels need time to rest and cannot operate continuously. In 2016, the patrol will be increased into 280 days. “In 2016, it will  be 280-day patrol which will surely cover the entire waters so there will be no more gaps,” he said.

He also gave description that the budget needed by KP Ministry for 280-day patrol reaches half of trillion. Every operation, patrol vessel sails for 4-5 days with 50-ton fuel so it costs at least IDR 700 million. It is added more with logistic operational cost and other expenses for a voyage. At least, every vessel needs IDR 100 billion budget.

However, once again, he asserted there will be no budget restriction to eradicate IUU Fishing. “Operational cost is high but for our sovereignty, there is nothing expensive. One thing important is our resources, especially fishery, can be secured. IDR 300 trillion loss due to illegal fishing can be secured to buy fuel,” he said.

In this year, the number of patrol vessel will be added. There will be four 50-meter-length vessels which will be completed this year. KP Ministry will keep adding vessels with greater size. “If we have another budget, I have proposed to the minister to procure big vessels like Indonesian Navy’s. The point is every sector must have one or two big vessels. It will be very safe since we will not only eradicate IUU Fishing but also fuel smuggling,” he added. (Investor Daily)

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