Supporting Jokowi’s Maritime Axis, India Deploys Sankalp Vessel

Festivity occurred during the welcoming party of Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Sankalp in Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) II berth, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Various art performances and foods were served during the welcoming party on Wednesday Night (12/17).

All Sankalp ICGS crews also enlivened the party taking place on the stern of the white vessel. Moreover, the event was also attended by Indonesian Ambassador for Indonesia, Gujrit Singh, several Indonesian Navy’s officials, Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla), National SAR Agency (Basarnas), and the finalists of Miss India-Indonesia.

The event started at 7 P.M. along with the arrival of Ambassador Singh bringing his wife, Neeru Singh. He together his wife and children went around the vessel whose number is 46. “Sanklap ICGS visit to Jakarta is the proof of tight cooperation between Indonesia and India,” said Ambassador Singh wearing brown batik.

Singh admitted he was proud of realizing the cooperation between Indonesia and India especially in maritime sector. He said this is also the proof that India also supported maritime axis concept initiated by President Joko Widodo. “I really agree with the idea since Indonesia and India are the countries having spacious maritime area. Much cooperation in maritime sector was successfully conducted by both countries,” added the diplomat wearing a turban.

He also congratulated Bakamla newly inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. “And this is the first after Bakamla was inaugurated by the president,” he said.

On the occasion, Singh also told his pride to the vessel since all vessel and vessel component assembling are purely made in India.

Sankalp ICGS vessel is an Indian maritime security patrol vessel. The vessel has 105-meter length, 12.9-meter width, and 25-knot speed. The vessel is run by 106 personnel and led by Deputy Inspector General, Maneesh V. Pathak.

Pathak thanked for the welcome for Sankalp ICGS vessel. He said India and Indonesia have cooperated for a long time in maritime sector. “Our visit is the implementation of the cooperation. Cooperation is expected to be improved especially after the creation of Bakamla. It is the form of dedication by Indonesia to secure its maritime area,” he said.

Before being invited to eat, audiences watched the footage of a video containing Sankalp ICGS vessel and its crews’ activities visiting several countries in the trip themed ‘Extending the Horizon’.

Sankalp ICGS vessel was berthed in JICT II berth at 7 P.M. on December 15th 2014. The vessel will depart from the berth on December 18th. (Rakyat Merdeka)

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