Several Ministries Do Not Support Susi’s Policies

JAKARTA – Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated several ministries and institutions do not support Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) to eradicate illegal fishing.

The emphasis was delivered by KPK Chairman, Abraham Samad, after having coordination with KKP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, in KPK Building, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/24). “In fact, KKP has strong concentration to eradicate the violation but unfortunately, KPK observed some ministries or institutions do not give strong supports to save our maritime and fishery sector,” Samad said.

Therefore, Samad urged law enforcers either police or Indonesian Military (TNI) to stick together with KKP to save Indonesia’s maritime resources which are often robbed by neighboring countries.

“TNI and police must give strong supports to KKP to immediately concentrate to save our maritime and fishery sector including KKP’s efforts to execute foreign illegal fishing vessels,” Samad asserted.

KKP asserted it often meets foreign vessels operated in Indonesian waters. However, many foreign vessels use fictive names of firms to distract Indonesian maritime patrol.

“This must be followed up. We will be active in press conference in the ministry every week. We will make an update about the situation of vessels conducting arrestment in our territory,” said KKP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, in KPK Building, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/24).

According to the owner of Susi Air, according to the government’s data, Natuna Islands see 1,928 Vietnamese vessels berthed. Those vessels have 70-GT capacity and are given time until Thursday (12/25) to leave the location. If not, Susi said she will take further actions. “In December 25th, the Vietnamese vessels should not be in our waters. Vietnam is a small country but its small vessels have 70-GT capacity while our country’s biggest vessels have 70-GT capacity,” Susi asserted.

Susi reminded KPK, TNI, and Indonesian Police (Polri) to have synergy in combating foreign fishermen who often enter Indonesian waters illegally so Indonesia’s fishery industry can revive.

“I asserted more about KPK, Polri, and TNI’s cooperation. I hope our fishery industry can revive,” Susi asserted. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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