• FEBRUARY 3, 2015
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    West Java Asks the New Port Constructed in Karawang

    BANDUNG – Central government is asked to give an opportunity for port construction in Cilamaya, Karawang along with the overall evaluation result to the port project. West Java Governor, Ahmad Heryawan, said his office still expected central government to realize Cilamaya Port construction due to its function which can boost West Java’s economy. “Cilamaya is

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    • JUNE 5, 2013
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    West African States to Adopt Anti-Piracy Code

      (Reuters) – West African heads of state will meet, maybe as soon as this month, to adopt a code to fight growing piracy in their coastal waters that would include use of arrests, prosecutions and seizures of ships, the U.N. shipping agency said. Piracy is on the increase in the Gulf of Guinea region,

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    • OCTOBER 30, 2012
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    West African pirates target oil tankers

      As the oil boom in West Africa swells, pirate attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Guinea are “reaching dangerous proportions,” the International Maritime Bureau reports. The global piracy watchdog said this month that 44 pirate attacks have been reported in 2012. There were 25 in 2011. The bureau also said many other attacks

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2012
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    WEST AFRICA: Defining piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

      In July last year President Boni Yayi of Benin sent a worried letter to the UN secretary-general. His country was being threatened by the activities of pirates, who were scaring shipping away from the ports on which his country’s revenues depend. He wanted international help of the kind which had been deployed against piracy

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