• AUGUST 3, 2012
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    ‘Open Ocean’ Addresses ISO Maritime Security Conference

      SO 280007 conference puts spotlight on Maritime Security Companies & ‘Open Ocean’ advocates an holistic approach. (Open Ocean, a comprehensive maritime security system, was launched last month in London, and enthusiastically received by the global maritime community). Attendance at the recent ISO conference to establish the framework and content of the new ISO PAS

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    • OCTOBER 21, 2013
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    CTF 151 Apprehends Somali Pirates, Destroys Skiffs

    The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) Counter Piracy task force, Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, successfully apprehended a group of Somali pirates following recent attacks on two vessels in the Indian Ocean. The CTF 151 staff embarked on RFA Fort Victoria coordinated the maritime interdiction supported by HMAS Melbourne and ROKS Wang Geon from CTF 151,

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