• NOVEMBER 5, 2012
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    130 People Believed Drowned Off Bangladesh

      As many as 130 people may have drowned off the coast of southern Bangladesh after a boat carrying passengers trying to illegally get into Malaysia sank in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladeshi authorities said Thursday, Nov 1, according to CNN. The accident appears to be the tragic result of an annual migration of thousands

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    • APRIL 11, 2013
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    13 Seamen Stuck on Abandoned Vessel Appeal to Primorye Head for Help

      General cargo ship abandoned and anchored off the Phillipines coast with 13 Russian seamen onboard. The cause of the seamen’ stuck is the bankruptcy of the owner company of the abandoned vessel, which has already appealed to the governor of Primorye area for help in returning home. The seamen, crew staff of the cargo

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    • MARCH 22, 2013
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    126 dead, 2 survived after vessel sinking off Nigeria

      There are only 2 people that have survived after their boat with 128 passengers onboard capsized off Nigeria, reported the emergency officials on Wednesday. “There were suspected 128 people aboard the vessel, but only 9 bodies have been found, while only 2 of them survived so far,” told the spokesman of the National Emergency

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    • MARCH 25, 2013
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    124 Passengers Survive after Five Days Adrift

      BANJARMASIN (Indonesia Today) – About 124 passengers and crews of Wihan Sejahtera ship heading from Balikpapan to Surabaya have finally arrived at Trisakti Port, Banjarmasin after five days adrift in the Tabanio Waters since Monday (March 18). They are all survived. Kompas.com reported that ninety passengers and crews were evacuated by Nakula 7002 Air

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