• DECEMBER 27, 2012
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    17 Rescued in the Philippines after Abandoning Sinking Ship

      The MV HAN SPLENDOR sank 165 miles east of Batan Island in the Batanes province of the Philippines on Sunday, forcing the 17 sailors onboard to abandon ship. Passing ship, MV JIN FU, rescued the 11 Myanmar and six Korean sailors from their life rafts just hours after their ship sunk. The Philippine coast

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    • APRIL 4, 2013
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    16 Fishermen Killed by Pirates

      Pirates have killed sixteen Bangladeshi fishermen in the Bay of Bengal, according the police statement on Monday. The killings occurred in Kutubdia, an island off the coastal town of Cox’s Bazaar in southeastern Bangladesh. The dead fishermen were dumped in the Bay of Bengal. “We have come to know that the bodies of sixteen

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    • FEBRUARY 14, 2014
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    150 Maritime Crime Cases to Occur in Asian Waters

    Solopos.com, JAKARTA – Indonesian Maritime Security Sharing Center (Pikmi) records 150 maritime crime cases in Asian waters during 2013 with 77% of them is minor crime category in form of on-board robbery referring to the report of Information Sharing Center – Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia (ISC-ReCAAP)

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    • FEBRUARY 13, 2014
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    150 Maritime Crime Cases to Occur in Asian Waters

      Solopos.com, JAKARTA – Indonesian Maritime Security Sharing Center (Pikmi) records 150 maritime crime cases in Asian waters during 2013 with 77% of them is minor crime category in form of on-board robbery referring to the report of Information Sharing Center – Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia

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