• JANUARY 6, 2015
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    60 Cruise Vessels Visit Bali

    DENPASAR – Benoa-Chapter PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III, Bali planned that in 2015, 60 cruise vessels will be berthed in the biggest Bali’s port. “This year, we will be visited by 60 cruise vessels. In January 1st, we were visited by Sapphire Princess vessel carrying 2,600 tourists,” said Benoa-Chapter Pelindo III General Manager, Ali Sodikin,

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    • NOVEMBER 12, 2014
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    6.000 Kapal Ikan Besar Diduga Ilegal

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Kapal impor berukuran di atas 100 gros ton yang tidak terdata dan tidak melaporkan hasil tangkapan ditaksir 6.000 unit atau lima kali lipat dari jumlah kapal impor yang terdata, yaitu 1.200 unit. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti dalam diskusi dengan para pelaku usaha perikanan di Jakarta, Selasa (11/11), mengemukakan, kerugian yang ditanggung

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    • OCTOBER 10, 2012
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    6 Killed in Explosion of a tanker vessel

      An explosion on the board of a beached tanker in Alang, India has killed 6 people and injured 1 other. The fire broke out at nearly 12.45 pm on Saturday on the one-hundred-sixty-three-meter MT Union Brave at the Alang-Sosiya Ship Recycling Yard. Information indicate that the fire broke out after the people working onboard used blow

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    • APRIL 26, 2013
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    6 Injured in Collision Involving Canadian Warship

      A U.S. fishing trawler collided with Canadian frigate HMCS Winnipeg on Tuesday in Esquimalt Harbour. The vessels have now been separated. Six people were injured – civilian maintenance workers and crew from both ships. No one from the Canadian Forces was hurt, reports the Vancouver Sun. The trawler, American Dynasty, spent most of the

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