• AUGUST 2, 2013
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    After Successfully Calling Six Asian Ports, The First Triple-E Is Now Bound For Europe

      With a full load of containers, the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller has completed its round of port calls in Asia and departed on the long stretch west towards Europe. Leaving Malaysia on Monday, the ship has had smooth sailings for the first two weeks of the maiden voyage.   Climbing eight stories In the Port

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    • JANUARY 13, 2015
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    Adhi, Pelindo III Make Investment for PLTG

    JAKARTA – There is an innovation from the management of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk this year. The state-owned construction service firm will make investment in gas-fueled power plant (PLTG) in Teluk lamong Port, Gresik, East Java. Adhi Karya finances the initial PLTG project by cooperating with the subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III,

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    • AUGUST 4, 2014
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    ADB agrees to finance LNG terminal at Port Qasim

    Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to finance the construction of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal at Port Qasim. An agreement to this affect will be signed with the government of Pakistan and Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) soon. Reliable sources said the ADB has agreed to favourably consider the request of ETPL for the

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    • DECEMBER 16, 2013
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    Activities At Tanjung Priok Port Guaranteed Runs Normally

    JAKARTA – Director of PT Indonesia Port Corporation II, Richard Jose Lino, said the process of loading and unloading at Tanjung Priok harbour will run as normal, despite the resignation of 21 officials and director of the company. “We are going through a transformational stage where what happened is apart of the organization’s dynamic that

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