• NOVEMBER 12, 2014
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    ASDP Mulai Perbaiki Dermaga I Pelabuhan Padangbai

    JAKARTA – PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) akan memulai pekerjaan perbaikan Dermaga I Pelabuhan Padangbai yang rusak parah ditabrak KMP Andika Nusantara milik PT Prima Vista beberapa waktu lalu. Proses perbaikan ditargetkan rampung sebelum masa angkutan liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru 2015. “Perbaikan keseluruhan dermaga membutuhkan waktu sekitar tiga bulan, tapi kami berupaya keras agar

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    • SEPTEMBER 16, 2014
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    ASDP Dapat Berkah dari Kenaikan Tarif

    JAKARTA. Kenaikan tarif angkutan penyeberangan laut yang diputuskan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemhub) membawa berkah bagi PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry. Perusahaan plat merah ini optimistis mampu menggapai target bisnis tahun ini. Menurut Anis Adinizam, Manajer Hubungan Masyarakat ASDP Indonesia Ferry, pihaknya seolah mendapat sokongan dari penyesuaian tarif tersebut. “Kami optimis target pendapatan tahun ini bisa tercapai,”

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    • OCTOBER 23, 2012
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    As visitors soar Jakarta ramps cruise infrastructure

      Jakarta: Indonesian authorities are committed to ramping up cruise infrastructure as the number of visitors to the archipelago onboard cruiseships soars. Official figures show 21,616 foreign tourists arrived in Indonesia on board cruiseships in 2008 — the figure tripled to 68,566 in 2009 and further increased to 94,166 in 2010, 112,882 in 2011 and

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    • DECEMBER 31, 2014
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    Arresting Fishery Mafia Back Up, PPATK Deployed

    Combating illegal fishing still continues. The eradication of illegal fishing is not only focused on its players at field but it is also expanded to the officers backing up such practice. Its eradication operation is conducted inter-ministry and governmental institution. Even, Financial Transaction Report and Analysis Center (PPATK) is also deployed to assist Maritime and

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