• OCTOBER 29, 2014
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    Banglades Beli Kapal

    BANYUWANGI, KOMPAS- Pemerintah Banglades membeli 18 kapal patroli berkecepatan tinggi senilai total Rp 75 miliar dari Indonesia. Kapal patroli jenis Xl2 berbahan karbon komposit itu kini sedang dalam tahap produksi oleh PT Lundin Industry Invest di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Direktur PT Lundin Industry Invest Lisa Lundin mengatakan, kapal patroli yang diproduksi untuk Banglades itu berkecepatan

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    • DECEMBER 28, 2012
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    Bali cruise terminal up and running

      Jakarta: Benoa cruise terminal on the island of Bali has finally started operating as a turnaround port rebranded as Cruise International Terminal. The turnaround port now has many facilities, including more room for X-ray equipment, as well as a luggage area that can be adjusted to suit the number of passengers. There are also

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    • JULY 16, 2013
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    Bakorkamla Cooperated with Kohanudnas

      Indonesian Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) collaborated with Popunas Kohanudnas. The collaboration was created for an examination of the Bakorkamla’s staff related to the protap and respond of the command centre. The visited to Popunas (Kohanudnas) on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 was lead by the Maritime Colonel Dodi Fernando ‘head of the operation strategy division’,

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    • SEPTEMBER 11, 2014
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    Bakorkamla Berperan Wujudkan RI Sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia

    BATAM – Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut (Bakorkamla) berperan besar mewujudkan konsep Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia seperti yang dicanangkan Presiden terpilih Joko Widodo dan Wapres Jusuf Kalla. “Bakamla setara dengan pasukan penjaga laut dan pantai (Sea and Coast Guard/SCG) di luar negeri,” ungkap Kepala Pelaksana Harian (Kalakhar) Bakorkamla Desi Albert Mamahit, di Batam, Rabu (10/9).

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