• AUGUST 27, 2012
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    Counter-Piracy ‘Big Three’ Meet At Sea Again

      On August 24, 2012 the Force Commanders from the EU Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atalanta (EU NAVFOR), NATO Operation Ocean Shield (TF-508) and Combined Task Force 151 (operated by the Combined Maritime Forces – CMF) met on board the EU NAVFOR flagship ITS San Guisto (Italian Navy) to further enhance the cooperation and

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    • MAY 15, 2013
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    Counter Piracy Commander Warns of Continuing Threat

      The Operation Commander of the EU Naval Force, Rear Admiral Bob Tarrant, has issued a renewed warning that Somali pirates are still determined to get out to sea and, if presented with an easy target, will attack.  “I am very concerned that seafarers and nations will lower their guard and support for counter piracy

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    • JANUARY 9, 2013
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    Costa Concordia tops 2012 increase in ship losses, but long-term downward trend continues

      Twelve months on from the Costa Concordia incident, a new Allianz report identifies that 106 ship losses were reported worldwide in the 12 months to November 25 2012 – up from 91 ships the previous year but a 27 percent decrease on the ten year average of 146 ships per annum. Despite this long term

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    • MAY 23, 2013
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    Costa Concordia Shipwreck Captain to Face Manslaughter Trial

      The captain of the cruise ship Costa Concordia, which capsized off Italy’s west coast last year killing 32 people, will face trial for manslaughter as well as other charges, an Italian judge ruled on Wednesday. The giant Costa Concordia flipped on its side outside the Tuscan port of Giglio in January last year after

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