• SEPTEMBER 17, 2012
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    DNV’s Hull Integrity System Now Integrated with AMOS

      DNV’s hull integrity system now integrated with AMOS DNV and AMOS system supplier SpecTec have launched an all-in-one planned inspection and maintenance system for ship structures. AMOS is a system that crew and management are already familiar with, and in combination with DNV’s Hull Integrity Management system, the software’s accessibility further simplifies inspection planning,

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    • JUNE 24, 2013
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    DNV Software Advances 3D Simulation Technology For Marine Operations

      Marine operations – such as transportation, installation and lifting of fixed and floating structures and subsea equipment – are becoming increasingly challenging as operators move to harsher climates and deeper waters. DNV Software is now launching Sesam Marine, a groundbreaking software solution that keeps pace with the increasing complexity of marine operations with 3D

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    • FEBRUARY 13, 2013
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    DNV And PSE Report on Ship Carbon Capture And Storage

      Det Norske Veritas (DNV), a leading classification society, and Process Systems Enterprise Ltd. (PSE), a global provider of advanced process modelling technology, today have released the results of the Maritime CCS (carbon capture and storage) research and development project. The project has successfully developed a concept design for on-board chemical CO2 capture. The system

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    • OCTOBER 25, 2013
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    DNA Tests Confirm Remains Found Are Missing Concordia Passenger

      Authorities in Italy have confirmed that the remains found on the wreck of the Costa Concordia were those of missing passenger, Maria Grazia Trecarichi. DNA tests were conducted to confirm her identity. Her remains had been missing since the cruise ship capsized in January 2012, killing 32 people. The remains of Indian crewmember, Russel

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