• OCTOBER 30, 2014
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    Ekspansi, Pelindo III Butuh Dana Rp 4 Triliun di 2015

    JAKARTA. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelind) III terus mengembangkan pelabuhan yang dikelolanya. Kini manajemen ingin menambah peralatan pelabuhan dan meningkatkan daya tampung pelabuhan. Rencananya penambahan peralatan dan perluasan pelabuhan bisa diselesaikan akhir tahun ini. Menurut Edi Priyanto, Kepala Humas PT Pelindo III penambahan peralatan dan daya tampung ini terus dilakukan untuk mengimbangi pertumbuhan arus lalu-lintas peti

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    • DECEMBER 27, 2013
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    Eight Indonesian fishermen indicted for manslaughter

      Prosecutors in Taiwan indicted eight Indonesian fishermen Wednesday on charges of manslaughter in a July incident that allegedly left the Taiwanese captain and chief engineer of a fishing boat dead. The indictment said that the 98-tonne deep-sea fishing boat Te Hung Hsing No. 368 was operating in waters in the east Pacific July 15

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    • AUGUST 19, 2013
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    Eight feared drowned off Indonesian coast after killer whale harpooned by them drags their boat under the water

      Eight tribesmen from a remote part of Indonesia are feared drowned after a killer whale they harpooned pulled their boat down. Four of the 12 hunters on board the wooden boat managed to swim to the shore, but their companions went down with the flimsy vessel after the whale at first dragged the vessel

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    • JULY 8, 2014
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    Eid-ul Fitr Day Boosts Marine Logistics Transportation By 30%

    SEMARANG—Marine logistics volume during Eid-ul Fitr period is predicted to rise by 30% due to increase of production in some plants. Chairman of Central Java Indonesia National Ship Owners Association (INSA) M Ridwan, confirms about the preparation of vessel to keep up with the surge, from the usual 240 containers to 300 -315 containers each

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