• JULY 18, 2012
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    Fight Against Piracy: EU Strengthens Maritime Capacities in the Horn of Africa

      The Council today approved the launch of a new civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission, EUCAP Nestor, to support regional maritime capacity-building in the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean states. EUCAP Nestor is part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to fighting piracy and instability in the region. A team of around 175 people

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    • JANUARY 5, 2015
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    Ferry Vessels Are Not Operated for Four Days

    KUPANG, Kompas – For Four days until Sunday (1/4), the ferry vessels in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) stop operation due to bad weather. Trucks and other cars carrying various commodities queue at ferriage berth while waiting for calm weather. Ferry vessels in NTT have stopped operation since Thursday (1/1). Six of eight ferry vessels operated

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    • MARCH 25, 2013
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    Ferry Sinks in East China, 11 Dead

    Eleven (11) are dead and four (4) are missing after a passenger ferry sunk in the Minjiang River in east China’s Fujian province. The ferry reportedly fell victim to inclement weather and sank on Wednesday in the Xiadao district. A search-and-rescue operation is still ongoing for the missing passengers. Local reports state that an initial

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    • DECEMBER 19, 2013
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    Ferry Runs Aground Off North Carolina Coast, Injuring 13

      Thirteen people sustained non-life threatening injuries on Tuesday when a passenger ferry ran aground off North Carolina’s coast, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The crew of the 64-foot ferry “Adventure” reported the accident at about 9 a.m. EST after leaving a marina in Southport, North Carolina. The ferry was headed to Bald Head Island,

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