• JUNE 28, 2012
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    First True Hybrid to be Installed Onboard an OSV

      London: A true hybrid energy system is currently being developed for installation on board the offshore supply vessel Viking Lady. An impressive battery pack for energy storage will soon be installed. When the new system is complete, the operation of the engine will be more smooth and cost effective giving further emission reductions. The

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    • JANUARY 6, 2014
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    First Pirate Boarding for 2014

      International Marine Bureau has reported the first pirate boarding incident for 2014. Around 55nm west of Corisco Island, Gabon, five pirates boarded a drifting gas carrier. Alert crew raised the alarm and blew the ships horn resulting in the pirates escaping. The master reported that there were a few tugboats and unlit fishing vessels

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    • JANUARY 6, 2014
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    First Pirate Boarding for 2014

      International Marine Bureau has reported the first pirate boarding incident for 2014. Around 55nm west of Corisco Island, Gabon, five pirates boarded a drifting gas carrier. Alert crew raised the alarm and blew the ships horn resulting in the pirates escaping. The master reported that there were a few tugboats and unlit fishing vessels

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    • AUGUST 1, 2012
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    Fire, Rescue and Safety Service Expansion in China Reports WSS

      Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) is expanding and upgrading its service stations in Shanghai and Guangzhou in direct response to market demand for Fire, Rescue and Safety (FRS) services says Jason Chew, General Manager China. “As demand for professional Fire, Safety and Rescue services in China continues to grow at a fast pace, we are

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