• DECEMBER 21, 2012
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    Hijacked North Korean Ship Heading Back to Port

      An impounded North Korean ship captured dumping cement into Puntland waters last month, was hijacked and is heading back to Bossaso port, Garowe Online reports. Security forces guarding the North Korean-flagged vessel MV Daesan impounded on Nov. 17, 2012, at the Bossaso port were involved in the hijacking of the ship and the crew

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    • JANUARY 26, 2015
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    High Wave Sinks Fisherman’s Vessel

    JEMBER, Kompas – High wave sank a fisherman’s vessel in Plawangan, Puger District, Jember Regency, East Java, on Saturday (1/24). The payang-type vessel carrying 28 crews was hit and capsized. “The shocking incident did not claim any lives but fishermen’s catches such as lemuru and tuna fishes were thrown to sea,” said Catur, a fisherman

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    • JANUARY 13, 2015
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    High Wave May Last Until June

    PANGKALAN BUN, Kompas – High wave, strong wind, and heavy rain which occurs in West Kotawaringin waters, Central Kalimantan, included in Java Sea area is predicted to last until June even though not every day. Rainy season peak is predicted to occur in April 2015. Pangkalan Bun Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Office Head,

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    • JANUARY 27, 2015
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    High Sea Wave Still Occurs

    PONTIANAK, Kompas – The wave in West Kalimantan waters since last week until Monday (1/26) is still high. Wave height is predicted to reach 2.5 meters. Even, in the following days, the wave will reach 4-meter height. Primastuti Indah, Forecaster of Pontianak Maritime Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency, on Monday said high wave almost occurs

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