• JANUARY 22, 2015
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    Tuna Fishermen Will Suffer from IDR 1.2 Trillion Loss

    JAKARTA – Indonesia Longlime Tuna Association (ATLI) claimed transshipment prohibition will inflict IDR 1.2 trillion loss to tuna fishermen this year. It is caused by transshipment policy lowering fresh tuna supply to Japan up to 78% per day since the end of December 2014. ALTI Secretary General, Dwi Agus, said currently the average grade-A fresh

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    • OCTOBER 28, 2014
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    Tumpang Tindih Izin Ditangani

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS- Pemerintah Indonesia sudah memiliki payung hukum untuk menindak pencurian ikan yang hingga kini masih marak di perairan wilayah Indonesia. Masalah lainnya adalah tumpang tindih perizinan di bidang kelautan yang akan segera ditangani. Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Indroyono Soesilo kepada Kompas di gedung Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Senin (27/10), di Jakarta, menyatakan, ada yang

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    • MAY 7, 2013
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    Tugboat Sinks in Baltimore

      A McAllister Towing tugboat sank on Saturday night off Baltimore’s Locust Point. There were no reported injuries, as everyone managed to abandon the vessel before it fully sank. The tug reportedly hit an underwater object, and it started taking on water. The U.S. Coast Guard was notified; nearby tugs, including the Robert E. McAllister

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    • MARCH 22, 2013
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    Tugboat Engine Room in Flames, 3 Crew Treated

      Three crewmen have been hospitalized after a tugboat engine fire erupted while the vessel was docked along Alameda’s shoreline. The fire in the tug’s engine compartment was reported just before 11 a.m. on Wednesday. The three crewmembers aboard the tug were treated for smoke inhalation. Fortunately, the blaze was quickly extinguished within an hour.

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