• NOVEMBER 25, 2014
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    Indrustri Galangan Kapal Di Usulkan dapat BMDTP

    JAKARTA – Ketua Task Force Galangan Kapal Panggah Susanto mengatakan, pihaknya bakal mengajukan insentif bea masuk ditanggung pemerintah (BMDTP) untuk membangun industri galangan kapal nasional. Insentif tersebut akan diajukan dalam proposal insentif galangan kapal nasional kepada Menko Kemaritiman Indroyono Soesilo. Dalam proposal tersebut, kata dia, akan diajukan beberapa usulan insentif lainnya, yakni dalam rangka pembangunan

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    • JANUARY 6, 2014
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    Indonesians Rescued From Faulty Boat Off Malaysia: Report

      Some 51 Indonesians who drifted in rough seas for five days after the engine on their rickety boat failed have been rescued by Malaysian authorities, a report said on Sunday. The 34 men, 14 women and three children — including a two-month-old girl — are thought to have boarded the fishing boat on December

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    • JANUARY 6, 2014
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    Indonesians Rescued From Faulty Boat Off Malaysia: Report

      Some 51 Indonesians who drifted in rough seas for five days after the engine on their rickety boat failed have been rescued by Malaysian authorities, a report said on Sunday. The 34 men, 14 women and three children — including a two-month-old girl — are thought to have boarded the fishing boat on December

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    • DECEMBER 28, 2012
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    Indonesians chase modern second hand tonnage

      Athens: A recent report from Greek broker Intermodal notes how busy the Indonesians have been in the second hand market this year. “It is worth noting that Indonesians have been very active in the SnP market in 2012 acquiring modern tonnage, with notable mention going towards the ex “Nanos” (50,296dwt-blt 02) at low $

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