• SEPTEMBER 27, 2012
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    Industry Celebrates World Maritime Day – September 27, 2012

      The World Maritime Day theme for 2012 is “IMO: One hundred years after the Titanic”, which will focus on the Organization’s roots and raison d’etre, i.e. safety of life at sea. One of the consequences of the sinking, in 1912, of the Titanic, in which more than 1,500 people lost their lives,  was the

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    • JULY 2, 2012
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    Industrial Strength Patrol Boat

      At a time when the nations of the world are struggling to provide marine security in an era of fiscal responsibility, Thailand’s Marsun Company Ltd. has come up with an industrial strength response. The shipyard’s 36-meter crew boat design is a well-proven vessel that typically spends 30 days at sea and returns to port

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Industrial Salt Self-Sufficiency Is Hampered

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The plan of Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry to achieve salt self-sufficiency in 2015 is still hampered by some issues such as salt farm extensification, weather, and trade system burdening salt farmers. According to the data from KP Ministry, national salt need reaches 4.01 million tons per year. The number comprises 2.05

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    • SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
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    Industri Pengolahan Tambah Nilai Jual

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Kamar Dagang dan lndustri Indonesia mendorong pemerintah memperhatikan industri pengolahan ikan. Sudah saatnya industri pengolahan ikan menjadi tumpuan untuk menamhah nilai jual. “Indonesia menempati urutan ketujuh sebagai produsen ikan dunia. Dengan potensi yang ada, Indonesia setidaknya bisa naik menjadi urutan keempat. Pemerintah harus menyiapkan regulasi dan infrastruktur untuk mendorong percepatan,” ujarWakil Ketua

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