• NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    Iran Sets Up Strait of Hormuz Naval Base

      Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have established a new naval base in the vital oil tankship transit Strait of Hormuz. According to Iran’s Fars news agency, as reported by Ria Novosti, the base, the fifth in the region, is located near Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Lengeh in the Hormozgan province, some

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    • MAY 13, 2013
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    Iran Routes Oil to Batam Port Amid Western Sanctions

      London. Iran is using an Indonesian port in a strategy to keep up sales to buyers in Asia in the teeth of Western sanctions, according to shipping data and industry sources. Two Iranian very large crude carriers (VLCCs) able to hold 2 million barrels each sailed to Batam Island in April, according to AIS

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    • JUNE 14, 2012
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    Iran Developing Nuclear Subs

    Iran has begun initial development of its own nuclear-powered submarines FARS news agency informs RiaNovosi the Iranian fleet’s deputy commander Vice-Admiral Abbas Zamini said the Islamic Republic is already taking the first steps toward creating nuclear-powered boats. “Right now we are at the initial stages of creating nuclear submarines,” he said. Use of atomic energy

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2014
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    Iperindo: Kemenperin Belum Berpihak

    JAKARTA—Pelaku usaha galangan kapal mendesak Kementerian Perindustrian mengubah sikap agar lebih memihak industri galangan nasional guna menyelematkan devisa US$1 miliar per tahun yang menguap ke luar negeri akibat impor. Asumsi angka itu berasal dari pembelian 1.000 unit kapal per tahun di luar negeri yang disebabkan kurang kompetitifnya industri galangan lokal dibandingkan dengan industri serupa di

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