• OCTOBER 3, 2012
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    Iridium is Flying High Again

      The fight in the maritime satcom sector is somewhat analogous to the one fought by Apple and Microsoft in the early ‘80s: two tech companies, polar-opposite philosophies and a raging battle for market share. Market watchers  likely have noted an increased “competitive spirit” among providers of ship-to-shore communication services. Drivers are multiple and diverse,

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    • DECEMBER 5, 2013
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    Iranian Navy thwarted piracy attack on Liberian-flagged ship

    Navy commander of Naval forces of Iran have thwarted a piracy attack on ship in Indian Ocean flying the flag of Liberia. Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said the vessel was attacked by pirates in the north region of the Indian Ocean and instantly dispatched an alert call, on which responded the Iranian naval forces. With

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    • JANUARY 29, 2013
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    Iranian Navy Foils Pirate Attack on Oil Tanker Off Oman

      Iranian warships thwarted an attempted pirate attack on an Iranian oil tanker in international waters on Sunday. The Iranian Navy stated that the ship was attacked by two pirate boats just 20 miles off Masirah Island off the coast of Oman. Once alerted, the fleet of warships hurried to the scene and forced the

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    • OCTOBER 8, 2013
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    Iranian Navy Foils Pirate Attack on Oil Tanker

        The Iranian Navy’s 27th Fleet rescued an Iranian oil tanker from repeated pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden off Yemen’s southern coast over the weekend. The tanker was attacked twice by pirates late on Saturday and Sunday morning, but they failed in their attempts to hijack the vessel and fled the scene

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