• SEPTEMBER 16, 2014
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    Lokasi Pelabuhan Cilamaya Digeser

    JAKARTA. Pemerintah berencana menggeser lokasi pelabuhan Cilamaya di Karawang, Jawa Barat. Sebab, di lokasi proyek yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah saat ini, terdapat ratusan anjungan minyak dan gas (migas) dan pipa migas milik PT Pertamina. Dedy S Priatna, Deputi Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Badan Perencanaan Nasional (Bappenas), mengatakan, pergeseran lokasi proyek Cilamaya dilakukan untuk menghindari

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    • NOVEMBER 13, 2013
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    Logistics Sector May Rise By 15%

    JAKARTA— Indonesia Logistics Association (ALI) estimates national logistics service industry will reap US$170 billion or equals to IDR1,951 trillion in 2014, supported by the rise in goods distribution related to general election. Head of ALI, Zaldy Mashita, said the prediction shows its growth trend is still at two-digit percentage. “National logistics is predicted to grow

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    • JANUARY 6, 2015
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    Logistic Association Asks for Incentive

    JAKARTA – The government of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla was asked to give incentives in form of loan interest rate drop under 8% per year to commodity and container employers to boost revitalization program of logistic vehicles like trucks or trailers. Indonesian Logistic and Forwarder Association (ALFI) Chairman, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, said currently, there are 5.2

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    • APRIL 19, 2013
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    Lockheed-Built U.S. Navy Ship To Arrive In Singapore

      * Fast, agile and stealthy warship has 91 people on board * Lockheed sees continued foreign interest from Asia, Middle East * Navy says program doing well after early struggles (Reuters) – The USS Freedom, the first of a new class of U.S. warships, is due to arrive in Singapore on Thursday for an

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