• NOVEMBER 12, 2014
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    Pasok Solar Nelayan, Pertamina Bikin SPDN

    TANGERANG. PT Pertamina (Persero) siap memperbanyak Solar Packed Dealer Nelayan (SPDN) Transportable atau diler solar bergerak agar akses dan kepastian pasokan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bagi nelayan lancar. Direktur Pemasaran dan Niaga Pertamina Hanung Budya bilang, selama ini, para nelayan mendapatkan pasokan BBM dari 1.277 unit penyalur. Yakni dari Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Nelayan (SPBN),

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    • DECEMBER 3, 2014
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    Pasar Ekspor Udang Masih Menjanjikan

    SURABAYA, KOMPAS — Sejak tahun 2011 hingga 2014, produksi udang dunia terus menurun akibat berkurangnya produksi dari sejumlah negara utama pengekspor komoditas itu. Penurunan jumlah ekspor ini diakibatkan serangan penyakit early mortality syndrome yang menyerang tambak udang di negara pemain utama ekspor, yakni Thailand dan Vietnam, serta negara eksportir lain, yakni Malaysia dan Tiongkok, sejak 2009

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    • SEPTEMBER 27, 2012
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    Party seems over for Somali pirates

      The empty whiskey bottles and overturned, sand-filled skiffs littering this once-bustling shoreline are signs the heyday of Somali piracy may be over. Most of the prostitutes are gone and the luxury cars repossessed. Pirates while away their hours playing cards or catching lobsters. “There’s nothing to do here these days,” said Hassan Abdi, a

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    • JANUARY 4, 2013
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    Paramarine Software used on New Submersible

      QinetiQ GRC naval architects in combination with their Paramarine software are working with QED Naval Ltd  in the development of a marine platform (Subhub) that is being designed to transport, install, anchor and maintain wave and tidal turbines through life. This will bring major cost and time advantages to tidal turbine field installations on

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