• AUGUST 11, 2014
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    Pelindo Kangkangi Kewenangan Kemenhub

    KABAR pemberian perpanjangan konsensi pengelolaan terminal kontainer di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok kepada perusahaan asing asal Hongkong Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) oleh PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II Persero membuat geram pejabat Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub). Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub Bobby Mamahit mengungkapkan, perpanjangan konsesi pengelolaan pelabuhan harus melalui persetujuan Kemenhub. Dan, sejauh ini, pihaknya belum menerima pengajuan

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    • MARCH 10, 2014
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    Pelindo IV Prepares IDR100 Billion For Makassar New Port

    MAKASSAR – State-owned ports operator PT Pelindo IV plans to immediately conducting land reclamation and construction of dock as part of the first stage of the mega project Makassar New Port (MNP). For the reclamation process, the company prepared IDR100 Billion from internal treasury. Managing Director of Pelindo IV, Mulyono, explains that the reclamation will

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    • DECEMBER 10, 2014
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    Pelindo IV Lelang Proyek Rp 4 Miliar

    MAKASSAR—PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV melelang paket proyek pembangunan rigid pavement seluas 4.000 m2 di Pelabuhan Sorong, Papua Barat dengan nilai mencapai Rp4 miliar. Proyek tersebut merupakan paket pembangunan tahap ketiga yang dilakukan perseroan untuk perkerasan kaku akses jalan kendaraan penumpang atau barang di Pelabuhan Sorong. Berdasarkan keterangan resmi Pelindo IV yang diterima Bisnis, Selasa (9/12),

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    • MARCH 11, 2014
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    Pelindo IV Invests IDR70 Billion On Container Cranes

    BITUNG – State-ownned Port Authority Pelindo IV to invest IDR70 Billion for procurement of two Container Crane (CC) units to be allocated to the Port of Bitung and Jayapura. The company is optimistic with a more comprehensive port facilities, to create new market opportunities. Pelindo IV Equipment Senior Manager Farid Padang Farid said, in addition

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