• NOVEMBER 28, 2013
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    Philippines Says China Carrier In South China Sea Raises Tension

      The Philippines said on Wednesday the imminent arrival of China’s sole aircraft carrier in the disputed South China Sea for the first reuters logo time for a training mission would raise tension. The carrier Liaoning left port from the northern city of Qingdao accompanied by two destroyers and two frigates on Tuesday. While in

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    • JANUARY 23, 2013
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    Philippines Requests U.N. Support to Resolve China Dispute

      The Philippines contacted the United Nations Tribunal today to intervene in their dispute with China over coveted territory in the South China Sea. China’s claim over the islands also puts the country at odds with Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei. The Philippines claims China’s activities are contrary to the U.N. Convention on the Law

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    • JUNE 26, 2012
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    Philippines Claims Chinese Ship is Responsible for Collision Leaving 1 Dead

      On June 20 a bulk carrier stuck a fishing boat in the South China Sea, killing one and leaving four missing. The Philippines suspect a Hong Kong vessel may have rammed the Filipino fishing boat. On Monday the Philippine Coast Guard released a statement saying that the fishing boat, AXL John was accidentally struck

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    • APRIL 1, 2014
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    Philippine Ship Dodges China Blockade to Reach South China Sea Outpost

    Second Thomas Shoal, South China Sea. The Philippine government vessel made a dash for shallow waters around the disputed reef in the South China Sea, evading two Chinese coastguard ships trying to block its path to deliver food, water and fresh troops to a military outpost on the shoal. The cat-and-mouse encounter on Saturday, witnessed

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