• JANUARY 23, 2015
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    Vietnamese Skipper Named Suspect

    JAYAPURA, Kompas – Papua Police named Nguyeng Trong Nhan (24), the skipper of Vietnamese vessel Thank Cong, as a suspect in illegal fishing practice in the waters of Raja Ampat Regency in January 19th. Nguyeng and 11 vessel crews have illegally fished 45 turtoises, hundreds of shark fins of 2,100 kilograms, five manta rays and

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    • JANUARY 30, 2013
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    Vietnamese Fisherman Discovered Abandoned, fully-loaded cargo ship

      Vietnamese fishermen has found an abandoned, fully loaded cargo vessel, and successfully tow her to their home base. The cargo vessel, Hai Dong 27, was found abandoned and adrift by fishermen from Hoang Hoa district of Thanh Hoa province, thereafter a dozen fishing vessels towed the cargo ship over 140 nautical miles to the

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    • JULY 29, 2013
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    Vietnam, Singapore boost military ties

      Hanoi (ANTARA News) – Lieutenant General Vo Van Tuan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Vietnam People’s Army met with the visiting Director for Policy of Singaporean Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Cheng Siak Kian here on Tuesday. Chieng Siak Kian briefed Vo Van Tuan on the outcome of the working sessions between

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    • JULY 26, 2012
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    Vietnam, Philippines slam China garrison plan

      Hanoi (ANTARA News/AFP – Vietnam and the Philippines on Tuesday lashed out at China`s moves to establish a military garrison in the South China Sea, amid escalating tensions in the disputed waters. Hanoi filed a formal protest with Beijing against the plan outlined by China this week to station troops in Sansha in the

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