• SEPTEMBER 4, 2012
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    Russia to develop Northern Sea freight lanes

      The development of the Northern Sea Route will change the balance of powers in the sea shipping market, said Gleb Ivashentsov, deputy director of the Russian APEC Study Center, at the APEC Economic Leaders’ briefing in Vladivistok. Russia has traditionally been a bridge between Europe and the Pacific. However, its Pacific ports and trunk

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    • SEPTEMBER 3, 2013
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    Russia sending warships to the Mediterranean: Report

      Moscow (ANTARA News/AFP) – Russia “over the next few days” will be sending an anti-submarine ship and a missile cruiser to the Mediterranean as the West prepares for possible strikes against Syria, the Interfax news agency said on Thursday. “The well-known situation shaping up in the eastern Mediterranean called for certain corrections to the

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    • JUNE 7, 2013
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    Russia announces permanent Mediterranian naval presence

      Moscow (ANTARA News) – Russia has deployed a naval unit to the Mediterranean Sea, it said on Thursday, a move President Vladimir Putin said was to defend Russian security but which comes as Moscow faces off with the West over Syria. In what is Russia’s first permanent naval deployment in the Mediterranean since Soviet

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    • SEPTEMBER 22, 2014
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    Rusia Cabut Larangan Impor Ikan Indonesia

    Pemerintah Rusia secara resmi mencabut larangan impor produk perikanan dari Indonesia yang telah dilakukan sejak Juli 2013. Potensi pasar ke Negeri Beruang Putih itu mencapai Rp 1,1 triliun. Pemerintah diminta memperketat pengawasan ekspor. PENCABUTAN itu di sampaikan Rusia melalui surat kepada pemerintah pada Rabu 17 September 2014. “Dengan kebijakan pemulihan ini, ekspor perikanan ke Rusia

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