• FEBRUARY 17, 2014
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    Services Users Urge Tanjung Priok Port Layout Reform

      JAKARTA– Indonesian Transport Service User Council (Depalindo) urged the acceleration of reform Tanjung Priok port layout as the solution to reduce dwelling time of containers at the port. Depalindo Chairman Toto Dirgantoro said dwelling time issue is not just the responsibility of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelino) II as Tanjung Priok port operators but also

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    • OCTOBER 1, 2014
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    Selat Malaka Masih Rawan Gangguan Perampok

    BATAM, KOMPAS – Selat Malaka, salah satu jalur laut paling sibuk di dunia, hingga kini masih rawan dari gangguan perompak. TNI Angkatan Laut, khususnya Armada Barat, terus berupaya meningkatkan latihan pengamanan kawasan di perairan Selat Malaka dan penambahan kekuatan kapal perang untuk operasional pasukan. Komandan Komando Pembinaan Doktrin Pendidikan dan Latihan TNI Mayor Jenderal (Mar)

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    • FEBRUARY 1, 2013
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    Secretary-General Of International Maritime Organization Visits IMSO

      The IMSO Director General, Captain Esteban Pacha-Vicente, today announced that Mr Koji Sekimizu, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) visited IMSO Headquarters on 28 January 2013. The purpose of the visit was to discuss matters of mutual interest, in particular in the field of the future of maritime communications and how new

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    • JANUARY 7, 2013
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    Search still continues for 7 passengers of boat in Barito

      Puruk Cahu (ANTARA News) – Rescue workers are still searching for 7 missing passengers of a speedboat capsized on Saturday in the Barito river in the regency of Murung Raya, Central Kalimantan. “Currently in addition to police, the military and local people take part in the search,” local police officer Adj. Comr. Yudhapatie told

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