• SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
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    SiapLanjutkan Kerja Sama Maritim Dengan Pemerintahan Jokowi

    PELATIHAN penjaga pantai hasil kerja sama US Coast Guard dengan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut (Ditjen Hubla) Kementerian Perhubungan memasuki edisi ke-6. Duta Besar (Dubes) Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk Indonesia Robert Blake menyebut, pelatihan ini sangat penting untuk menjaga kelautan Indonesia dari kejahatan. Blake mengaku sangat senang program ini bisa berjalan dengan baik. Dia berharap, pelatihan

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    • NOVEMBER 19, 2012
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    Shipwreck Uncovered by Hurricane Sandy

      The strong winds of Hurricane Sandy uncovered the remains of a 90-year old ship that was buried under sand outside of Long Island, N.Y. The ship’s identity has not yet been confirmed, but the remains are where the Bessie White ran aground, according to a public affairs specialist at Fire Island National Seashore. Some

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    • OCTOBER 24, 2012
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    Ships With Armed Guards Seen Not Reporting Somali Pirate Strikes

      Some ship operators hiring private armed guards to protect their vessels from hijack by Somali pirates aren’t reporting attempted attacks, the London-based International Maritime Bureau’s piracy reporting center said. Following are comments from Pottengal Mukundan, the bureau’s director, at the Hanson Wade Combating Piracy conference in London yesterday: “Vessels with private armed security are

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    • JUNE 2, 2014
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    Ships Urged to Watch for Hijacked Tanker

    A Thai diesel oil tanker with 14 crew members en route from Singapore to Indonesia is believed to have been hijacked, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) said on Saturday, the second major case in months on one of the world’s busiest waterways. “It could be a hijacking. We have sent signals for ships in the

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