• SEPTEMBER 30, 2014
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    SNI Ikan Kaleng Dimulai Tahun Ini

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Pemerintah mewajibkan penerapan standar nasional Indonesia atas produk ikan kaleng mulai tahun ini. Kebijakan bagi industri pengalengan ikan itu bertujuan menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015. Direktur Jenderal Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Saut Hutagalung saat dihubungi dari Jakarta, Senin (29/9), mengemukakan, pemberlakuan satu standar nasional Indonesia (SNI), yaitu

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    • FEBRUARY 3, 2015
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    Small Vessels Hardly Served

    JAKARTA – Some insurance employers said they hardly give protection for small vessels related with the regulation issued by Transportation Ministry over the obligation for vessel owners to insurance their vessels. Head of Directorate Human Capital & General Administration PT Asuransi Central Asia (ACA), A. Anton Lie, said with emphasis from the regulatios, insurance industrial

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    • NOVEMBER 27, 2014
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    Small Shipyard Industry Asks Protection from Foreign Investor

    JAKARTA – Small shipyard industry producing vessels is anxious with foreign investors who will enter shipyard industry in Indonesia. They are worried their field is taken by foreign shipyard industry which can produce vessel in great scale. Arie Surjono, Javaneseboats owner, said Indonesia’s vessel market is great since it has many and various needs. “Vessel

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    • FEBRUARY 22, 2013
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    Slow Steaming Clauses Strongly Recommended

      At a recent Vessel Efficiency Conference held in London, delegates were interested to hear about BIMCO’s suite of slow steaming clauses. In a presentation by BIMCO’s Chief Officer for Legal and Contractual Affairs, Grant Hunter, the delegates heard that the incorporation of a slow steaming clause was strongly recommended for anyone contemplating implementing a

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