• NOVEMBER 23, 2012
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    Somali Pirate Craft Sunk by EU NAVFOR Warship

      Warships hunt down pirate skiff off the coast of Somalia, take 9 suspected pirates into custody and sink their boat. Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand, under command of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) worked in close co-operation with Turkish warship TCG Gemlik of Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) to apprehended nine suspected pirates at sea

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    • NOVEMBER 8, 2012
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    Somali Pirate Attacks Low, Elsewhere Increasing

      Global pirate activity jumped 52% compared to September, driven by increased attacks in the Gulf of Guinea, & off Indonesia. Somali piracy remained low, with three attacks reported. Notably, a pirate group opened fire on naval warship. Attacks increased in West African waters where two tankers were hijacked, and seven crew members were kidnapped

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    • JULY 24, 2012
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    Somali Piracy: Is Taking the Fight to Land the Solution?

      Years of naval counter-piracy operations have so far failed to strategically defeat Somali pirates. The presence of more warships and armed guards on civilian ships have pushed pirates to adapt to the evolving situation. It was in this context that, on March 23, 2012, the Council of the European Union decided to extend Operation

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    • JANUARY 7, 2014
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    Somali piracy incidents disappear

      Dubai: On a constant decline since 2011, latest statistics from the United States Office of Naval Intelligence show that no vessel was hijacked in the Indian Ocean last year. Piracy remains a concern around the Horn of Africa with nine attacks last year, but the international naval coalition fighting piracy in the region has

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