• JUNE 22, 2012
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    Weekly Piracy Update from NATO

      During the reporting period 14 to 20 June, 2012,  there have been two pirate attacks in the High Risk Area (HRA) The increase of attacks within the past week is evidence that pirate activity can still take place during the South-West Monsoon and Masters should remain vigilant to this threat. # Southern Red Sea (SRS)/Bab

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    • JULY 30, 2012
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    Weekly Maritime Security Report: 21-27 July 2012

      Number of incidents: 1.HORN OF AFRICA:Weather conditions in the High Risk Area continue to be generally unsupportive of small boat operations. The effects of the monsoon are likely to begin declining around September, which will bring a calmer sea state and a likely increase in pirate activity. Having said that, the threat of piracy still

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    • DECEMBER 3, 2012
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    Weapons stolen from Australian navy vessel

      Sydney (ANTARA News/AFP) – An intruder robbed an Australian navy vessel of a cache of weapons Friday after overpowering military personnel on guard, the defence department said, in a major security breach. The Australian Department of Defence said the infiltrator “overwhelmed a duty member onboard a patrol boat” which was moored at HMAS Coonawarra,

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    • JANUARY 7, 2015
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    Wave Height in NTT Waters Reaches 7 Meters

    SITUBONDO, Kompas – High wave and bad weather disrupt voyage in Java Sea. The vessels from Situbondo, East Java, which will head to Banjar, South Kalimantan take shelter in nearby islands like Masalembu Island and Bawean Island. Coal barges usually supplying coal to power plant in Paiton, Probolinggo Regency, for example, gets stucked in Masalembu

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