Sape-Labuan Bajo Route Is Opened and Closed

MATARAM, Kompas – The voyage route from Sape Port in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) uses open-and-close system following extreme weather which endangers vessel voyage safety in the route. The ferriage from Sape to Waikelo in Southwest Sumba is closed for five days.

NTB Transportation Department Head, Agung Hartono, Wednesday (1/7), in Mataram, said vessel voyage closure in both ports is conducted since sea waves up to 3-5 meters occur in Sape-Labuan Bajo and Sape-Waikelo ferriage route.

Labuan Bajo PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Marketing Manager, Ardhi Ekapaty, in Sape Port, said Sape-Labuan Bajo voyage for round trip was closed from January 2nd-5th, then was opened in January 6th. However, on January 7th, the voyage was closed due to bad weather.

The report from Ambon, Maluku, stated after being halted for several days due to bad weather, the voyage from Ambon, Maluku to some nearby islands is re-opened in Wednesday. However, port authority reminded skippers to remain careful and to update forecast information.

Meanwhile, wave height in Indian Ocean from southern East Java to southern NTB, on Wednesday (1/7) reached 5 meters. In Java Sea at northern East Java, wave height reached 2.5 meters. This condition is predicted to keep occurring until next week.

“We warned all maritime transportation users to adjust weather condition and not to deliberately sail,” said Surabaya Maritime Perak II Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) data and analysis staff member, Eko Prasetyo.

The report from Malang stated the fishermen of Malang Regency’s south coast has entered fishery famine season predicted to last until early March. Captured fish drop and bad weather force some fishermen to not sail.

In Tegal Regency, Central Java, small fishermen begin to take their savings in fish auction location (TPI). The savings will be used to support their life when they do not sail. (Kompas)

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